Mycoplasma infection is a major concern in the poultry industry, leading to significant economic losses. To combat this issue, the use of effective antimicrobial agents is crucial. One such solution is Mycoshield 10, a powerful anti-mycoplasma medication specifically designed for poultry. Mycoshield 10 contains Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumarate that target and eliminate mycoplasma bacteria, providing a comprehensive defence against these harmful pathogens. It is formulated to be easily administered to poultry, ensuring optimal absorption and effectiveness. It can be given orally through drinking water or incorporated into feed, making it convenient for large-scale poultry operations. The medication works by inhibiting the growth and reproduction of mycoplasma bacteria, effectively reducing the severity of infections, and preventing further spread within the flock.
Use of Mycoshield 10 in poultry production can help control mycoplasma outbreaks and improve overall flock health. By minimizing the impact of mycoplasma infections, farmers can reduce mortality rates, improve growth performance, and enhance the profitability of their operations. Additionally, it has been proven safe for use in poultry, with no adverse effects on meat or egg quality. Mycoshield 10 is a valuable tool in combating mycoplasma infections in poultry. Its potent antimicrobial properties, ease of administration, and proven safety make it an essential component of any comprehensive biosecurity program.
Mycoshield 10
Taimulin Hydrogen Fumarate 100 gm per kg

✓ Each kg of granulated free flowing MycoShield 10% feed premix contains Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumarate 100 g.
✓ Reduction of Mycoplasma population.
✓ Prevent penetration of mycoplasmas in eggs.
✓ Better titre response to vaccination.
✓ Helps to control mortality due to CRD.
✓ Broiler, Layer & Breeder 500 g to 1 kg/ ton of feed for 7 days once in month.
✓ To Improve performance and egg
✓ production: 200 g/ton of feed.
✓ Note: Accurate dosing must be done on actual body weight of bird Or As advised by Registered Veterinarian.