In the poultry industry, proper nutrition is crucial for the health and productivity of birds, whether they are broiler breeders or layers. A balanced intake of vitamins and minerals is essential for the development, reproduction, and overall well-being of poultry. Key to achieving this balance is the incorporation of a mineral premix into their diets. These premixes are tailored blends that provide a range of minerals necessary for vital physiological functions. For laying birds, in particular, the mineral premix must be designed to support eggshell quality and skeletal health, as deficiencies can result in poor production performance and increased susceptibility to disease.
Moreover, specific vitamins, such as Vitamin E with organic selenium, play a significant role in enhancing the immune system and protecting cell membranes from oxidative damage. This combination is often included in the premixes (Previte) to ensure the birds receive their required dietary levels. The integration of these nutrients into a comprehensive feeding program, including Premin, fosters optimum health and efficiency in poultry operations. The precise formulation of these supplements is critical; it must align with the life stage and production goals of the poultry to maximize benefits and ensure sustainability in poultry nutrition management.
Premin O Plus
Glycine Chelated Trace Minerals For Poultry

✓ Zinc : 45 g
✓ Copper : 7.5 g
✓ Manganese : 50 g
✓ Iron : 20 g
✓ Selenium : 0.3 g
✓ lodine : 2 g
✓ Chromium : 0.25 g
✓ Bio-Active carrier : q.s
✓ Partial application per ton of feed:
✓ Breeder - 500g, Broiler & Layer - 250 g
✓ Complete replacement per ton of feed
✓ Breeder - 1 Kg Broiler 500 g
✓ Layer - 500 to 750 g
Or as recommended by veterinarian
✓ Broiler Improves FCR and Meat Quality . Prevents Leg abnormalities
✓ Layer Enhances Egg Production. ✓ Improves bone health
✓ Breeder ✓ Maintains Hatchability
✓ Improves Egg Shell Quality
✓ Organic Selenium (10000 ppm) : 1%
✓ Carrier : q.s.
✓ Moisture (Max)
✓ Improves semen quality (Volumes, motility etc.)
✓ Improves hatchability
✓ Improves egg shelf life
✓ Enhances the passive immunity
✓ Better resistance against stress
✓ Lowers risk of occurrence of muscular dystrophy
✓ Reduces Se deficiency related conditions
✓ Improves meat quality
✓ Improves egg density.
✓ Mix 30g/ ton of feed Or as recommended by the Nutritionist/Veterinarian.
Premin O Se

Premin B
Mineral Premix for Broilers

✓ Each Kg contains
✓ Manganese : 90 g
✓ Zinc : 80 g
✓ Copper : 15 g
✓ Iron : 90 g
✓ lodine : 2g
✓ Cobalt : 0.3 g
✓ Selenium : 0.3 g
✓ Bio-Active carrier : q.s
✓ For uniform & optimum growth.
✓ Improves overall health performance.
✓ To obtain sustained production.
✓ Mix 1Kg of Premin" B Mineral PREMIX per ton of feed.
✓ Or as recommended by the Nutritionist/Veterinarian.
✓ Manganese : 80 gm
✓ Zinc : 80 gm
✓ Copper : 15 gm
✓ Iron : 60 gm
✓ lodine : 1 gm
✓ Cobalt : 0.5 gm
✓ Selenium : 0.3 gm
✓ Bio-Active carrier : q.s
✓ For uniform & optimum growth.
✓ Improves overall health performance.
✓ To obtain sustained production.
✓ Mix 1Kg of Premin™ V Mineral PREMIX per ton of feed.
✓ Or as recommended by the Nutritionist/Veterinarian.
Premin V

Premin BB
Mineral Premix for Broiler Breeders

✓ Manganese : 50g
✓ Zinc : 40 g
✓ Copper : 10 g
✓ Iron : 55 g
✓ lodine : 1.25 g
✓ Cobalt : 0.3 g
✓ Selenium : 0.25 g
✓ Bio-Active carrier : q.s
✓ For uniform & optimum growth.
✓ Improves overall health performance.
✓ To obtain sustained production.
✓ Mix 2Kg of Premin BB Mineral PREMIX per ton of feed.
✓ Or as recommended by the Nutritionist/Veterinarian.
✓ Manganese sulphate : 100 g
✓ Zinc Sulpphate : 85 g
✓ Copper Sulphate : 15 g
✓ Ferrous Sulphate : 60 gm
✓ lodine : 1 gm
✓ Cobalt : 0.5 gm
✓ Selenium : 0.3 gm
✓ Bio-Active carrier : q.s
✓ For uniform & optimum growth.
✓ Improves overall health performance.
✓ To obtain sustained production.
✓ Mix 1Kg of Premin™ V Mineral PREMIX per ton of feed. Or as recommended by the Nutritionist/Veterinarian.
Premin L